Role: UX/UI Designer
Jan 2021 - Jun 2021

Riffbox is a multiplatform app, designed to help musicians and music lovers to collab and keep in contact always and everywhere, without worrying about distance. It’s born during the harsh lockdown period, during which many bands couldn’t practice nor meet to share their passion for music. 

Riffbox is both a place of creation and sharing: bands can have their own private room and practice with many different widgets (timeline, recorder, mixer etc.) but they can also go live and stream their creation process, or just jam with their public. Along with the app, a landing page has been designed as well, to introduce new users into the world of Riffbox.

In 2020, during the research and analysis phase, we found the lack of interaction between amateur musicians and their difficulties linked to music production due to the covid-19 pandemic dynamics that had dramatically changed their daily lives.

Riffbox was therefore created to meet the needs of members of amateur bands to be able to connect with each other in a virtual space to listen, share and create music. The application evolved into an online service available for both web, desktop and mobile, which allows the users to explore the bands and artists present through a "radio" section or directly from the "box" virtual rooms where artists organize live jams and share their creative process with the viewers.

©MTNMLLI also love Pokemon ✿2024